In many posts back, I stated that I may share some of my drag pictures sometime. Well, here are a few. It wasn't serious drag, but just me and some of my friends that were going to a Halloween party back in 1997, I believe. These were taken in my apartment I had before I bought my house. Lawd, I was even skinnier then than I was in the above picture. You see, at the time, me and the above guy were having a lot of problems. I basically really didn't have an appetite and had to force myself to eat. Man, times sure have changed. I wouldn't mind being around that weight again, but not to that extreme.
This is one of my best friends. He and his partner has since moved to NC and then on to VA. Even though we still talk via the phone, it's not the same as when he lived in Columbia. We use to have such a great time.This is another friend of mine who is Filipino. He still lives in Columbia, but I hardly ever see him anymore. Yes, he did grab my person right when the picture was taken. I was horrified since I'm such a lady (yeh, right!)
I haven't been feeling all that well the last couple of days because of my sinus/allergies and thought that between that and the cold weather, it would be a perfect evening for homemade vegetable soup.
It hit the spot!
Then I followed it with a couple (maybe more, I'm not telling) of these. I loves me some Bass Ale. When I was in England many years ago, mostly of what I drank was sweet cider. It's a lot more potent there than what you find here in the States.
Well, that's all for right now. I've just about finished with the front of the Mock Cable sweater and then on to the sleeves and neck. I probably won't put a picture up until it's finished. I'm supposed to go to my first Christmas party of the season tomorrow. I think I'll wear my sweater that I finished a few weeks ago. I'll try to take pictures of the festivities! Later, possums
Wow, do I remember the days of having a tiny little 27" waist! I wouldn't go back to it, though. It's just not right, to be a grown man with that small a waist.
Nice shots of you in your dress, though. I haven't worn one since I was 7, and I've had the beard since I was 17. Adorable pics, though
Wow, do I remember the days of having a tiny little 27" waist! I wouldn't go back to it, though. It's just not right, to be a grown man with that small a waist.
Nice shots of you in your dress, though. I haven't worn one since I was 7, and I've had the beard since I was 17. Adorable pics, though
I've been known to have a snakebite (Harp Lager with Cider)or two, or a black & tan... I lived in a hotel in downtown Houston that had an Irish Pub in it. I could crawl through the lobby to the elevator then to my apartment. It was great!
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