In other news, my mother called and told me that one of my cousins gave her a bunch of knit and crochet patterns; some are even books. My mom has already found a sweater in one of them that she wants me to make for her. My mother told me that some of the patterns look 70ish. I can't wait to see all of it. I'll let you know what all it contains once I have it. I asked my mom why my cousin was giving them away and she said that she (my cousin) had got them at one point with the intention of learning to knit and crochet, but never really maintained interest in it. I'll probably drive up to Winnsboro sometime this weekend to get them and see how my dad is doing. In the same conversation, she told me that she had to take him to the emergency room the other morning because he was dizzy and was regurgitating. My dad has had open heart surgery, so my mom insisted that he go because of his heart. You know men, don't want to see a doctor. He was told that he has Inner Ear. I remember that many years ago, he had the same thing, so hopefully he'll be feeling better soon.
One other thing, Tom Brokaw has a special coming on tonight about Evangelical Christians and the influence they're having, even more so, in today's government and country. Let me say that I consider myself a gay Christian, but I'm also democrat/liberal. I feel that Bush has pretty much destroyed the government having to keep separation of church and state and safe keeping of the environment (but that's another story). I don't know about you, but it's A LOT scary. If we (gay, straight, democrat, liberal, etc.) don't stand up and demand that our government get back to keeping separation of church and state, it will only get worse and we'll find our liberties even more at risk than they are now.
I hope that everyone has a peaceful and relaxing weekend. Let me hear those knitting needles clicking.
Hey Calvin: What a nice color combo for the sweater, your knit looks awesome, the tension looks very even and tight. Can't wait till you model it for us. I know the feeling of wanting to finish. Keep up the good work.
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