The picture below was taken when I was around 14 or so. I had just completed my first, big crocheted project; a large granny-square afghan. I was so proud of it. Lord, I was so homely looking, LOL!!
This picture was taken around 1991. I'm showing this one because it was around this time that I came out to everyone as a proud, gay man. The lady in the picture with me is/was a good friend of mine, Anne. She and another lady that I used to work with took me out to dinner at a restaurant named Julie's to celebrate my coming out. Notice my lazy eyes? I think I had like two or three glasses of red wine with dinner and I was definitely not feeling any pain. I can't believe how much hair I had and how physically thin I was. In some ways, I really miss those days, but as Doris Day once sang, Que Sera, Sera!!
In case anyone's interested, here's a link to a website if you want to start knitting up some cotton dishcloths to give away as Christmas/Hanukkah presents. The holidays are just around the corner, you know.
Well, that’s it for the moment. I may post another entry sometime later this week about my job, or better yet, probably here soon, the lack thereof. Ta-Ta For Now, possums!
We have a similar history. My grandmother taught me to crochet also...and then my other grandmother taught me to knit. Some where on my site I have a picture of a doily I made my mother...I love knitting them too!
Great stuff!!!
Wait, I'm not anonymous! But can't "sign in"...ah well.
It's sean from seans soapbox!
Thanks, Jeff. I may do a few other post that includes some of my favorite memories as a child/teenager. I hope that the new school year is off to a good start and the students don't dry you too crazy when they come to the library.
Thanks, Sean. I've never tried to knit a doily, but maybe I can try that before I tackle socks again. Do you have a simple, knitted doily pattern that you can share with me? I'm going to have to dig around your blog and see if I can find the picture of the one you did. I don't remember seeing one from before.
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