Hello, possums. This is by far one of my favorite movie soundtracks (I love the DVD movie Collector's Edition as well). The only other one that I can compare to this one is the soundtrack from "Sophie's Choice" by Marvin Hamlish (another good movie to own on DVD). They're both beautifully written, arranged and performed. I remember back in college, I would put on my headphones and play these two soundtracks and the next thing I knew, I was either waking from falling asleep or feeling all the tension from exams, classes, etc. just slipping away. Now, if I have a stressful day at work, I'll come home, shut the door to my den (so my cat won't interrupt me), turn the light out, lie in the floor, put the music on and relax. On another note, I'm feeling kind of reflective today. I turned on the tele this morning to watch some of The Today Show and found out that Egypt was bombed again by terrorist. I remember "somewhere in time" when things like this happened infrequently. I long for those times. The sad thing is, I think it will only get worse. On a small rant, I'm sick of the U. S. news networks, U. S. Government, etc., always bringing up 9.11 when reporting other terrorist attacks. From the bombings in London to the attacks this morning.STOP IT!! Stop always trying to shine the light back on the U. S. to gain sympathy or whatever you want to call it; and we wonder why the world does not view us in the same light as many years ago. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my country and for what we stand for, but everything seems to be so misguided right now (and not in a good way). At times, I feel overwhelmed by it all.
Oy! I stopped by Barnes and Noble yesterday after work and came across this book they had on sale. I purchased it because yes, my dear friends, I'm starting to feel my age at times. Nothing worse than getting up out of bed in the morning and feeling stiff as a board due to just everyday living. I've always wanted to have a daily stretching/meditation routine to ease the stiffness/stress in my body. This is a fairly good book from what I can see so far. It's broken down into three sections, easy, intermediate and advanced. I think I'll try some tonight before going to bed. By the way, some of the men in the book are quite cute in their little shorts. I hate to say this, but what the hell, I'm queer; there are some very nice male crotch shots to encourage you along.
On the knitting front, I'm just about finished with the afghan. After finishing the middle two panels, I'll just need to sew what's left together. I think I'm going to put some type of crocheted border around it to give it a more finished look. In case you're wondering why I choose the colors that I used, the yarn was given to me by a friend and I'm trying to use it up to help clear out some of my stash. There were only two small skeins of yellow, hence having to finish those rows with white. Well, that's all at the moment. I'm going out tonight to a friend's birthday/dinner party. I may take some pictures and do another post this weekend. Until then............bye, possums!
Hi Calvin. Good job on the blog. You already know my opinion on the knitting. Remember, socks next!
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