Yes, this past Thursday (the 11th), I turned 44. I don't feel my age except maybe a slightly stiff back in the morning. I'm way out of shape and need to do something about it. Funny that I know I need to lose about 25 pounds, but the majority of time spent for my birthday Thursday through Sunday was eating more than my share of food.
Friday night myself, two ladies from the local knitting guild I'm in and my ex. went out to dinner at
The Parthenon. Great Greek food. I only got the Greek salad and had water instead of beer. The only thing is, it comes in this huge bowl. I sat there and ate just about the whole thing; what was left came home in a doggy bag. Not to worry, my pretty, I polished it off around midnight as a snack. Thanks for the great company and meal Millie, Gail and Dallas!!
Saturday myself, my ex. and his sister went out to lunch at a Chinese buffet. I don't remember the name, but yes again, I over-ate. Not hard to do at a buffet. I love Chinese food.
Thanks for the wonderful meal, Dallas and for being a great person that I'm so thankful to have in my life. Linda, you're a sweetheart.
Sunday, my friend Alyson and her dad (who came over from Sumter) went out to lunch at
Yesterday's where I proceeded to order the Mushroom Cheeseburger with French Fries. I love mayonnaise with my fries and could live quite happily in Belgium because of that (not to forget that they're one of the largest producers of beer in Europe)!!
Yesterday's is in an area of Columbia called Five Points which is near the University of South Carolina. Need I say that school is back in session and the male eye candy has tripled in that area of town! Alyson, you're a dear friend that I've known for many years now and I just LOVE to shop with you. You see, we never tell the other not to buy something, whether it's truly needed or not.

My mom and dad sent me a gift card to Target (that was used yesterday), my friend Robb from Las Vegas sent me a gift card to Best Buy (that was also used yesterday). Yes, they both were used yesterday while shopping with Alyson. Thanks mom, dad and Robb. You guys know I do like to spend money; especially when given to me. I used my Target gift-card to buy misc. things. My big purchase was at Best Buy where I used Robb's gift-card toward purchasing
Oz: Season Three. Christopher Meloni can be husband anyday!!

This is the birthday card that Robb sent me. On the inside it said, "You Sure As Hell Ain't 39"!!! I thought it was pretty funny.
So, as I look ahead to a new birthday year, I so need to make a commitment to losing weight and getting out of my present job that is slowly, but surely, driving me insane. It's a very large, national telecommunications company that really doesn't care about the kind of stress they put on their employees. It's all about your performance numbers, my dear. Okay, well great, but you sit down and try and do it and see how successful you are!! Enough said. I'm off today and don't want to think about the place.

On the knitting front, this is the one thing that I've finished since the Afghan. It's a dish drying towel. I still need to add a button and then block it. The top folds over and buttons onto a drawer or oven handle. It's made from some left-over (that I still have more of) cotton yarn. My cat, Tiger said that he must be in the photo.

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille"!! Have a great week, everyone.
P. S. I am so excited that next month, if everything is still on schedule , that
Streisand has a new POP album coming out!!!! On her website, she has some wonderful, personal views on what's going on in our country today. You go, girl!!