The house has been sold. The closing is on 2.24. Thank you to all who said a prayer and kept me in your thoughts. I must also say what great parents and sisters I have. They have helped more than they know. I am blessed. I apologize that I haven't posted anything in a while, but between the house and now getting everything packed up and put into storage, it's been crazy around here. I did answer Drew's call to contribute squares for comfortghans. These will be assembled (thank god I don't have that job) and given to Heartmade Blessings. The below pictures are the ones that I crocheted and sent to him. Tomorrow is Friday and I hope that everyone has a FANTABULOUS weekend. Much love to you all.
By the way, I will be disassembling my computer desk and computer tonight. Over the next few days, I will be closing out my internet service, electric, etc. accounts. Any E-mail correspondence will need to be sent to: Thanks and see you on the flip side.

By the way, I will be disassembling my computer desk and computer tonight. Over the next few days, I will be closing out my internet service, electric, etc. accounts. Any E-mail correspondence will need to be sent to: Thanks and see you on the flip side.

Fantastic crochet squares! Absolutely beautiful!
Congrats on selling the house!
Great news! Glad to know you're doing fine. I can relate to how important your family can be after, especially after last year.
I didn't know you crocheted. Your squares are fantastic!
Congrats on the sale of the house!!
Very nice Squares , keep in touch you know we love you with all our hearts. COngratulations on the sale and the move.
A new adventure in the horizon, it is exciting.
I was wondering where you had been! Glad for the good news!!
The squares you made are beautiful!!
Cool squares . . . I have to learn to do that!
Congrats on selling your home!
It's cool that you have a music degree . . . so do I!
Wonderful news! Congrats dude!!
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