After waiting for probably too long, I finally put my house on the market. The agent that I'm going through is a friend of mine and he seems to think that the house will sell in a fair amount of time. We'll see.
As I have mentioned in another post, I've never been all that happy in this house. On the other hand, it's been a roof over me and my kitty's head and in that respect, it will be sad to leave it, but I'm ready to move on now. I'm ready to put this behind me. Even though I've only been in the house a little over a five years, the agent seems to think that I'll get a fair amount out of it. Not to count my chickens before they hatch, but that trip to Paris I've always dreamed of... We'll see.
Speaking of traveling, the older I get, the less I want to travel alone. I know that traveling to Paris alone will definitely keep the "possibilities" opened more should they present themselves (oui, oui Monsieur)! On the other hand, who wants to sit alone at a cozy bistro, sidewalk café or walk along the Champs-Elysées all alone. Again, we'll see.
On the knitting front, the only thing I'm working on is another Five Hour Baby Sweater. This time in pink. I won't bore you with another picture. I don't know why I'm making these other than it's a new pattern to me. Oh well, I guess they'll be good to keep around to give away at some point.
This past Saturday, a friend and I went to see Brokeback Mountain. I really enjoyed the film and it left an impact on me throughout the weekend. I saw the movie at 1:00 and all through that evening and into some of Sunday, I was depressed. I won't say anything more about the film except that I wish that things could have been different for them (the two main characters) and be prepared to cry.
For those who pray, please do and for others who don't, please keep me in your thoughts that this house will sell soon. Take care and have a good week.