Long time, no write, no? I have no excuse except that I'm still using my friends computer and cannot upload any pictures from my camera. I just feel that my writing is so boring, especially without visuals.
Let's see, where to start. I'm still staying with my friend and working a temp. job. I hope that this one will turn into something full-time. We'll see. I had a great time in Paris and will post more on that when I can upload some pictures. Also, I've made a baby cardigan and FINALLY finised my mom's sweater. I had work all the parts of the pattern, but after I got to the neckline, I didn't like. Not to mention that I think something was wrong in the pattern for the neckline instructions. I simply could not figure it out. So, instead, I ripped it all out. I ordered The Sweater Workshop book, which I received around August 3rd, and did one in the round. I put a pattern stitch in the front of it so that it wouldn't be all stockinette stitch. I'll try to shows pictures here before I give it to her. Speaking of knitting sweaters in the round; I think it's very ingenious and many kudos to EZ for coming up with it. I received another sweater book this week called From The Top. As some of you probably know, it's sweaters in the round, but they're knitted form the top down.

I bought the first and second season of the 70's show Family on DVD. I simply love that show and was so happy when I saw that it was finally being released on DVD. I can't wait for the other seasons to be released. I use to have such a crush on Gary Frank back in the day. I think he was such a cutie. I tried to Google him to see what he looks like now, but I couldn't find any current pictures. I think he's 56 now. My, oh my, how time flys (flies?). Another cutie from that show was Nancy's (ex)husband, Jeff, who was played by John Rubinstein.

I've been shopping. I ordered the above picture yesterday. I tried to download what was inside, but it would not let me copy that. It has a sock pattern, orange dpn's, a tapestry needle and drab green (their words, not mine) sock yarn in it. I love the tin container that it comes in as well. You can order one here:
Also, you can look at the contents of the container while you're there.
I ordered some of Knit Picks circular needles and dpn's. They're all nickel-plated, hollow brass. The circulars have a purple cable join that I love. I was going to show pictures, but either I've reached my max for one day or blogger is having problems. Anyway, has anyone used either of these yet? How are they? Well, that's it for now. More later.
Let's see, where to start. I'm still staying with my friend and working a temp. job. I hope that this one will turn into something full-time. We'll see. I had a great time in Paris and will post more on that when I can upload some pictures. Also, I've made a baby cardigan and FINALLY finised my mom's sweater. I had work all the parts of the pattern, but after I got to the neckline, I didn't like. Not to mention that I think something was wrong in the pattern for the neckline instructions. I simply could not figure it out. So, instead, I ripped it all out. I ordered The Sweater Workshop book, which I received around August 3rd, and did one in the round. I put a pattern stitch in the front of it so that it wouldn't be all stockinette stitch. I'll try to shows pictures here before I give it to her. Speaking of knitting sweaters in the round; I think it's very ingenious and many kudos to EZ for coming up with it. I received another sweater book this week called From The Top. As some of you probably know, it's sweaters in the round, but they're knitted form the top down.

I bought the first and second season of the 70's show Family on DVD. I simply love that show and was so happy when I saw that it was finally being released on DVD. I can't wait for the other seasons to be released. I use to have such a crush on Gary Frank back in the day. I think he was such a cutie. I tried to Google him to see what he looks like now, but I couldn't find any current pictures. I think he's 56 now. My, oh my, how time flys (flies?). Another cutie from that show was Nancy's (ex)husband, Jeff, who was played by John Rubinstein.

I've been shopping. I ordered the above picture yesterday. I tried to download what was inside, but it would not let me copy that. It has a sock pattern, orange dpn's, a tapestry needle and drab green (their words, not mine) sock yarn in it. I love the tin container that it comes in as well. You can order one here:
Also, you can look at the contents of the container while you're there.
I ordered some of Knit Picks circular needles and dpn's. They're all nickel-plated, hollow brass. The circulars have a purple cable join that I love. I was going to show pictures, but either I've reached my max for one day or blogger is having problems. Anyway, has anyone used either of these yet? How are they? Well, that's it for now. More later.
Welcome back to the blogosphere! We missed you :-)
Welcome Back buddy
More details on your Parisien adventures is required methinks... especially if they involve cute guys with strange accents.
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