I apologize that it's been over two months since I last posted to my blog. The dust has settled from the sale of my house. I must say again, thanks for all the encouraging words throughout that process. On the job front, I've been working temporary jobs. Now, for the BIG news:
I'm very fortunate that the sale of the house allowed me enough of a profit that I'll be able to fulfill one of my dreams that I've had for almost all my life. I'm leaving June 1st and coming back on June 15th. Yes, two weeks in La Belle Paris. My hotel is in the Marais arrondissement (city district) of Paris which is known for being the gay section of Paris. It's also the Main Jewish area of Paris.
While I'm very excited, I'm somewhat nervous. I haven't traveled (alone) outside the U. S. since the early 80's when I went to England. That, and trying to get around Paris without any knowledge of the layout of the city just has me nervous. As far as the language, while I'm not fluent, I think that I'll be able to get by. If anyone has any suggestions, etc. that you think may help, please send them my way. They will be most appreciated.
On the knitting front, since all of my knitting books, patterns, etc. are in storage, most of what I've been knitting is dishcloths. I have a book that I made that has a hugh selection of dishcloth patterns in it that I've found on the Internet. I still haven't finished my mom's sweater. I know, bad son. I think something is wrong with the pattern for the neckline. So, until I can figure out how to alter the pattern, it's still going to be on the needles. I will NEVER do this pattern again.
I hope that everyone is doing well and I leave you with this. I found this on Dave's blog and thought that it was the funniest thing. Enjoy!
I'm very fortunate that the sale of the house allowed me enough of a profit that I'll be able to fulfill one of my dreams that I've had for almost all my life. I'm leaving June 1st and coming back on June 15th. Yes, two weeks in La Belle Paris. My hotel is in the Marais arrondissement (city district) of Paris which is known for being the gay section of Paris. It's also the Main Jewish area of Paris.
While I'm very excited, I'm somewhat nervous. I haven't traveled (alone) outside the U. S. since the early 80's when I went to England. That, and trying to get around Paris without any knowledge of the layout of the city just has me nervous. As far as the language, while I'm not fluent, I think that I'll be able to get by. If anyone has any suggestions, etc. that you think may help, please send them my way. They will be most appreciated.
On the knitting front, since all of my knitting books, patterns, etc. are in storage, most of what I've been knitting is dishcloths. I have a book that I made that has a hugh selection of dishcloth patterns in it that I've found on the Internet. I still haven't finished my mom's sweater. I know, bad son. I think something is wrong with the pattern for the neckline. So, until I can figure out how to alter the pattern, it's still going to be on the needles. I will NEVER do this pattern again.
I hope that everyone is doing well and I leave you with this. I found this on Dave's blog and thought that it was the funniest thing. Enjoy!