I finally finished my friend's throw. This is it drapped over the back of one of her chairs. I didn't have time to lay it flat out to photograph it. I literally washed, dried and took it out to her. She was very happy with it, especially since she wasn't feeling well and was happy to wrap up in it.
I love hot tea and was very happy to come across and order the Tea Cozy book. I haven't knitted anything from it yet, but look forward to it.
I have the One Voice Streisand concert on video tape that I bought when it orginally came out, but was very happy to add the DVD version to my Barbra collection. She taped an introduction for the DVD as kind of a look back at the event she taped in her backyard at her Malibu home at the time. It's reported that The Broadway Album video Barbra did when she was recording The Broadway Album will be released on DVD and for some REALLY great news, there is a VERY good chance that Yentl will be released on DVD this year. I'm doing the happy dance with this news. If you're a Streisand fan, check out Matt's website devoted to her. He does podcast as well as video cast about his news that he gets about her. He also has vintage Streisand photos. Check it out.
Years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to the movie, Shirley Valentine. I love this movie. I never bought the movie on video and I thought they would never release it on DVD. I'm so happy they did.
I've always liked the movie, Making Love. I was always more attracted to Michael Ontkean than Harry Hamlin. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't kick Harry out of bed, but Michael was the one that got my motor running, especially when the movie first came out and my late teenage hormones were raging!! I do have to say, in Harry's defense, that he looked quite good in his red, very short shorts. Too bad that we, as men, wear shorts down to our knees now. Show me some nice hairy thighs and legs anyday!
I've been a fan of Michael C. Hall ever since Six Feet Under. I don't have Showtime, but heard good things about his new show called Dexter. I bought season one when it came out on DVD. I love this show and recommend it.
I went to see La Vie En Rose when it came to the movie art house here in Columbia. I've always liked the music of Edith Piaf, but had no idea she had such a bad childhood and would be mostly in bad health as an adult (some due to her doing). That aside, the movie is beautifully filmed with an excellent cast. I also bought the soundtrack in which the film uses Edith's recordings, but remastered.
I love disco and the music of The Village People. I think it's just such happy music. I own another Best of Village People CD, but this one has several 12" versions of some of the songs. I don't understand why a lot of people don't like Disco, I say, long live Disco!!!!
I own another copy of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert, but this special edition one came out a few months ago. It really pisses me off that you buy a movie and then a few months if not a few years later, they come out with a special edition one.
Lost Language of Cranes is another movie that I originally bought on video and was very happy when it came out on DVD after several years. I love me some Corey Parker.
Noah's Arc is a series that came on the Logo Network. Since Time Warner here in Columbia doesn't carry that network, I didn't know anything about this series until I read about it. It's a pretty good series that has a lot of camp in it. Don't get me wrong, I like camp and it blends in well with the story lines. Unfortunately, the series wasn't renewed after the second season. Season One extras has frontal nudity in it as Season Two extras doesn't.
Well, dear ones, that's it for this post. I hope that everyone enjoyed their holidays and looking forward to a happy 2008. Let's hear it for a Democratic president this year!!!!
As Barbra sang in one of her early recordings, "Happy Days Are Here Again"!
It gives off amazing light and makes it less strain on the eyes; especially if you happen to be working with a dark-colored yarn.
Here's a close up of the dropped stitches.
I have a question and I hope that someone who happens to come across it will know the answer. Why is it that on one or two of your pictures you can click on it to enlarge it, but the others won't? Does Blogger put a cap on that or something?
Well, that's all for today. Take care.

Of course the Bastille prison is no longer there, but the monument is quite something to behold.

Coming out of the Metro and walking down one side of the Louvre, I came across this statue. It's one of Jeanne d'Arc. I walked over and got a closer look and picture.

I've read that there are several monuments dedicated to her throughout Paris.

Looking diagonally across from the statue is one small section of the Louvre. As many of you know, it's HUGE.

Walking along, you can start to see the glass pyramid that's in front of the museum. It's in the middle/forground of the picture behind the trees.

Of course, the glass pyramid.

I thought it was interesting the way the sun was reflecting off of the pyramid onto the building.
More of Paris to come.

Okay, I'm finally getting around to showing some of my pictures that I took while I was in my dream city of Paris. I finally have my scanner hooked back up and with my new lap-top, I felt that it was time. James, sorry it took so long!
First view of Notre Dame as I'm standing on one of the many bridges that cross over the Seine. I didn't notice it until after I had the pictures developed, but I love the way the red dress on the lady sets against the other colors in the photo.
